Sunday, April 22, 2012

No good, horrible, very bad day

The saddest thing happened to me last week. (disclaimer: when I say this, I am referring to my rich white girl problems and in the grand scheme of life this is not quite as horrible as I am making it out to be given my relatively charmed life. However, this is my blog and I can cry if I want to, so I will keep writing in spite of this) 

So, as I was saying, the saddest thing happened to me last week. On Wednesday, I was eating lunch and browsing Pinterest like any other day, I reached over to grab a drink of water and the unthinkable happened, the glass tipped over! Water spilled directly on my laptop and flicker... flicker... BLANK! That's all she wrote! The computer was a goner. I took it to the Apple store to have them look at it and make sure that it was dead. They confirmed the worst, it was dead as a doornail.

My laptop was a 15" Macbook Pro. It was beautiful. It was an expensive machine that I saved for for at least a year. It was relatively new and as it was one of my favorite possessions, I kept it in mint condition and in one quick motion it was ruined. I sat on the couch for the rest of the day wallowing in my depression. I am not gonna lie, Ben and Jerry came to my pity party and helped drown my sorrows.

After waiting a few days, just to make SURE that my laptop wasn't going to spontaneously revive itself. I sucked it up and went to the Apple store to buy a new one. Thank goodness for interest free financing! I don't exactly have an extra $2,000 just lying around. I came home with my new computer and desperately looked for something new and different to excite me about having to repurchase my computer. The only difference I could find between the new one and my old one is that the power cord looks a little sleeker. Um... woo hoo? I mean, seriously, it is the exact same machine. Utterly anticlimactic.

I have been pretty much wallowing in self pity for the last four days. But, it is now time to put my big girl pants on and move on. I have a new laptop that I will spend the next year paying for and will probably drink from sippy cups from now on, but other than that, life is grand!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sardines and Biscuits

I can't believe it is already Easter. This year is going by so fast! I love Easter, it is one of my favorite holidays. It starts early, that is for sure! My church has a sunrise service at 6:30 am! Then after that my community groups come over for brunch. This is the 3rd year running so it is becoming a tradition. I won't repost recipes since I made the same food at last year (recipes here) I pretty much have the meal down pat and I am really happy with most of the recipes so I just stick with what works. I have to say though, I am a little frustrated with biscuits. I have tried a few recipes. Last year, my mom even FedEx'ed me some sourdough starter so I could make her fail-proof sourdough buttermilk biscuits. When I make them they turn out okay... the flavor is fine but they aren't buttery, flakey, or golden brown, so I must be doing something wrong. I even spent time Googling tips for making the best biscuits and tried to do everything perfectly. No matter what I do, I end up with something that is mediocre. When it comes to food, I hate mediocre. If anyone makes amazing biscuits, I am open for tips.

Biscuits aside, brunch was a success! My CG's keep growing so it gets bigger every year. Today we had 25 adults and 3 babies in my apartment. (my 900 square foot apartment) People were packed in here like sardines. I was a bit stressed this morning before everything started because about 7-8 people RSVP'ed this weekend (after the food had been purchased and prepped) and while I am all about "the more the merrier" as the texts kept rolling in, I was wondering if we would all fit and if there would be enough food. But amazingly enough, there was the perfect amount of food and although people were shoved into every nook and cranny, nobody seemed to mind. Success! After everyone left, I started looking for patio sets online because I really need to set up my back porch for overflow. People were sitting all the way up the stairs. I just have too many friends! ha ha...

Even though Tyler and Cheryl might hate me for posting this picture, I have to share because I am pretty sure this is exactly how everyone felt after being up since 5:00 am and digesting a huge meal :)
Oh, and thanks to a few people bringing lovely bouquets my house is now flowery and Springy - seriously look at all of these flowers. Delightful! :)