Thursday, March 15, 2012

Then and now

This week, my friends Jimmy and Amanda have birthdays. They are also getting married on Sunday - busy week for them! I realized when I was baking Jimmy's favorite carrot cake (recipe here) that it was last year on his birthday that I decided to take cake decorating lessons because while my cakes tasted good, they looked like a Kindergarten project!
I have to credit the classes at Michaels because a year makes a big difference!
I also realized that I have been blogging for over a year now so a lot of recipes are repeats. People need to start branching out with their birthday requests so I can try new recipes!

Oh, and guess what my friends did for me last week? All 25 or so people from my two community groups got together and sent me flowers at work! They said, "You make us feel special on our birthday's all year long, we wanted to make you feel special today, we love you!" Isn't that soooo sweet? I get to do what I love doing all year long and get flowers out of the blue for it! It totally made my day. I love my friends!

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