Thursday, August 9, 2012

Owl-ey fun!

My co-worker is having a baby girl in a few weeks and last week we had a baby shower for her at work. Unfortunately for me, the email about her "surprise" shower went out when I was on vacation and somehow I was not put on the email batch. Consequently the baby shower was a surprise to me as well. As we all pilled into the party room, I saw a big stack of gifts. I leaned over to another co-worker and asked if we were all supposed to contribute something. Then I was told that everyone was bringing individual gifts and didn't I get the memo. Um.... no. Thank you very much, party planning committee. I show up empty handed and look like an arse.

On the bright side, that gave me some time to make something which is way more fun than buying anyway. My co-worker is going with a vintage owl theme so many of the gifts were owl-ey things. I went to one of my favorite websites Ravelry and found a couple of cute patterns. My favorite one is this owl hat. Seriously, I want a baby just so I can put this hat on them!

Then I made a couple amigurumi toys, I don't think they are as cute at the hat, but they are still kind of adorable!

I love crocheting! Only 35 and I am already such a grandma!

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