Sunday, June 9, 2013

I was born, let's celebrate!

Yesterday I turned 36. Thirty-freaking-six! I am now closer to 40 than I am 30, when did this happen? It is crazy how fast life starts moving as you get older. I remember as a kid, feeling like the school year dragged on at a snails pace but now, you snap your fingers and it is summer already. Woah... slow this ride down!

Regardless of the fact that birthday's are completely anti-climatic at this age (just one year closer to the grave) I still had a good one. It started on Friday, with my office pranking me. My new boss brings a lot of energy to the workplace and since he has come, birthdays have become a time to torture each other. (Where are the good ole days, when people just brought you a cake?!?)

When I arrived at work, my office was completely turned around backwards. My computer, my phone, everything was facing the wrong way. Additionally, things were moved all over the place and placed upside down and cockeyed. People even took the pictures out of my picture frames and turned them upside down! They also threw paper confetti and balloons everywhere. I spent a portion of my day just putting my office back together so that I could actually work! Feel the love!

I do have to admit though, it could have been worse. One of my other co-workers had a horn taped to the underside of her chair on her birthday that blasted to the entire office when she sat down and about gave her a heart attack. And her office got "glittered". Two months later, she is still finding glitter in places. My team knows how to push my OCD buttons but at least they know how far is too far. Had my office gotten glittered they might all be unemployed today. 

Yesterday, my actual birthday, was great. I took the day off of work so for the first half of the day I wondered what to do with myself. What do people do on a Saturday morning? I started to bury myself in a book but my phone kept ringing so I gave up. Instead I watched reruns of Boy Meets World and talked to my parents and my brothers and friends that called and/or texted. One highlight of my day was when I was talking to my brother about getting older and all that comes with it - wrinkles, gray hair,  etc. and I took a good hard look in the mirror and saw ZERO gray hairs! YES! Aging: 0 Tamara: 1!

Last night, a group of friends and I went downtown to celebrate my being born. We had some delicious Italian food at Buca di Bepo then saw a production of Les Miserables then had dessert at Ghirardelli's. It was the perfect night. If you know me at all, you know that theater is my passion and that Les Mis is my absolute favorite. So I got to spend the evening doing what I love with people that I love. It was delightful. Oh, and just for a little added bonus, while walking to the theater from dinner, I was stopped and told that I was beautiful. Granted, it was from a kind of creepy random guy that probably lived on the street downtown but hey, on the day that I turn 36, having someone tell me how gorgeous I am was quite welcome! So thank you creepy random guy, I appreciate the ego boost. 

My friends also brought me this stunning bouquet of flowers which will make my apartment smell lovely for days. Aren't they amazing? My friend, Trisha put them together, she has quite a gift. 

 So, all in all, it was a great birthday and now I slip back into normal life, one year older. Here's to 36 and getting "one day more".

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