Monday, June 20, 2011

Product review: Degree Motion Sense Deoderant

I bought some deodorant yesterday. I didn't pay too much attention because quite honestly, I don't stress over my deodorant, as long as it keeps me cool and dry, I am good. When I got home I realized that I got the new Motion Sense kind that gets activated by your arm movement. Sounds like a total gimmick, right? Well, all day today, every time I reached to type something on my computer or pick up the phone I definitely got a whiff of "spring fresh" or whatever scent I ended up with. In fact, right now, I just reached to take a sip of my water and *BAM* spring fresh all up in my nose!

Now, spring fresh isn't a bad smell or anything, but I thought the point of deodorant was... anti-smell. I just want to smell like me, without the B.O. I don't want to feel like someone is spraying Fabreeze in my face every time I move my arms. Honestly, it was quite distracting. But I guess it works, it is about 3:30 in the afternoon and I put it on at 4:00 this morning and my pits are still quite springy and freshy! That is pretty impressive!

And, I have to say the cute cashier at Trader Joe's today was unusually friendly. He asked how my day was going and what I was up to for the rest of the day, then he told me that he was getting off of work in an hour. I don't usually have such conversations with cute cashiers so I can only assume that having "spring fresh" shooting from my armpits while I whipped out my wallet gave me a bit of an edge. I felt a little smug knowing about my secret deodorant power.

So, all in all, I give this product a thumbs up. Yes, it is distracting to have bursts of scent attacking my nostrils every few minutes all day long and I am a little concerned that my sense of smell might be desensitized to the point of losing it all together, but it seems to attracts the men-folk and well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
P.S. I Googled the deodorant to make sure I got the name of it right and stumbled upon this blog. It is way funnier than mine and almost made me delete this whole blog post but instead I will just attach this other guy's blog so if you want to read a funnier review on this deodorant, click here.

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