Wednesday, June 1, 2011

S'mores follow up

Homemade marshmallows are great! They taste fresher and fluffier than the store bought version. There are a number of great uses for homemade marshmallows. You can use them to dip in fondue:

You can make homemade Peeps for Easter:

You can cut them into cute shapes and give them as gifts with some homemade hot chocolate mix:

You can dip them in chocolate and make Christmas candy:

But the one thing you should never do to a homemade marshmallow is try to roast it over a campfire! This was a lesson learned last night. Yesterday I was all excited about my Martha Stewartness but I discovered that homemade s'mores were much better in theory. The graham crackers were great. I will definitely make those again. But the marshmallows WOULD NOT ROAST! They just melted and dripped into the fire. It was the weirdest thing. Apparently the chemicals and preservatives are essential for the roasting process. So, I encourage marshmallow making for many things but when it comes to s'mores, cheap and unoriginal seems to be the ticket! Oh well, good to know...

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