Last night my Community Group went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 at midnight. We decided to do this back in November after seeing part 1 and agreeing that this was an important cultural event. It is the Star Wars of this generation and this kids deserved to be a part of it (as well as us adults). The idea of doing a midnight movie always sounds great when it is months down the road but truth be told when the time came, I gulped as I purchased my ticket thinking of my 5:00 a.m. work shift the next day and anticipating the price I would have to pay for staying out past my 9:00 o'clock bedtime. I figured it would be worth it though... I mean, it is the epic finale of a 10 year journey!
*SPOILER ALERT* And worth it, it was! I just spent the last week re-reading book 7 so I could be fully prepared to complain about all of the parts that didn't do justice to the book (just kidding). But honestly, the movie was amazing! The only thing I would have liked to have seen was Snape's memory montage a bit more fleshed out. I feel like we missed some of the intensity of who he was and his love for Lily Potter that was presented in the book. But all in all, I left the theater feeling very satisfied. It was a great ending to a great series. *END SPOILER*
When the movie was over it was pumpkin time and I had to face reality. I got home at 3:15 and I usually wake up at 4:15 for work so I decided that getting one hour of sleep would render me useless and the alarm buzzing at 4:15 would be one of the most painful experiences of my life so I decided to just stay awake until I had to go to work. I didn't want to just sit around, though, because I was afraid I would get really sleepy, so I decided to run some errands. I had to go to Kinkos and Walmart, which are both places that I dread because it seems to take forever to get in and out of there! After 45 minutes of errand running I decided that I was brilliant because both of those places are MUCH more pleasant at 3:30 a.m. In fact, I think I will do all of my shopping in the middle of the night from now on, it is much more time efficient when you have the whole place to yourself!
Before I knew it, it was time to go to work. It was an interesting day to say the least. When I sat down at my desk, I discovered that the IT department upgaded my computer on my day off and neglected to leave me a new password to get on. I had to start working anyway, so I started doing consultations blindly without my computer. About a half an hour later they got me logged on only for me to discover that I was no longer connected to a printer, my email templates were gone (for good), I had lost a few Word documents that were pretty important, and all of my settings were messed up. Thanks, IT guys!
Every spare minute between my calls was spent trying to reclaim and recover my computer. It was stressful, aggravating, and BUSY. The silver lining is that while on any normal day, this situation would have really made me mad, today it gave me so much to do that I had no time to feel tired. I was good to go all day long! A blessing in disguise :)
Then... I came home and sat on the couch. Bad move, Tamara, bad move. I should never have stopped moving. Now, every molecule in my body is begging me to crawl up to my bed and slide under the covers. I won't succumb though, I won't! If I take a nap I will completely ruin the chances of a good night's sleep and I have to get up at 4:15 tomorrow as well so I want a solid night's sleep. I just need to power through until bed time.
I am left to wonder, though, how early can bedtime be? It is 4:00 now... is that too early? I think so, the sun is still in the middle of the sky. What about 6:00. Can that be bedtime? That would give me ten hours of sleep. Not unheard of, right? Yeah... 6:00 is a good bedtime. I just have to hold on for two more hours. To be honest, the whole reason for this loooong and detailed post about my last 24 hours is to keep me awake. I was slipping in and out of consciousness and was about to lose to this battle and give in to my bed. I must. stay. awake.
All nighters? What am I thinking, I am seriously too old for this.
....lady! for those of us who didn't go to the midnight showing you might want to put a "spoiler alert" before that second paragraph!! ;D
ReplyDeleteOh geesh! I am so sorry. I totally assumed anyone interested in watching the movie has already read the book. I didn't think of anything being a spoiler :( I am sooooooo sorry! P.S. who are you "anonymous"?