Monday, February 21, 2011

The beginning

I am watching "Julie and Julia" right now and that movie is totally inspiring me to blog.  I have also been told multiple times by people that I should start blog. So, here I am caving into peer pressure and this impulsive desire I have to write right now and I am starting a blog even though I feel a little narcissistic doing it!
I really don't know what I plan on blogging about. Probably a good portion of it will revolve around food. I love to cook and bake and apparently am pretty good at it. I come by this honestly (thanks mom!) so I will likely post recipes now and then along with pictures to make you salivate! I am sure I will also write about random things that pop into my head on any given day, so you will have to weed your way through the drudgery of my daily life to get to the good stuff, like cheesecake! And who knows, maybe I will develop a following and become a famous internet personality, or maybe the man of my dreams is out there and will start reading and become completely charmed by my amazing wit and mad cooking skills and come sweep me off of my feet (that happens, right?)
Anyway, who knows where this will go, if anywhere. But here I am, jumping on the blog bandwagon and claiming my own little space on the internet. Enjoy!