Wednesday, February 23, 2011

mmm... beer...

I really dislike beer. I wish I didn't. Other people seem to really like it. I try a swig every now and then just to see if my tastes have changed. They haven't. I end up with a puckered face as I choke down the brew and feel like a five year old as I go back to sipping my Diet Coke. This doesn't really have much of an effect on my daily life... today, however, I really wish I liked beer.

Why you ask? Well, I have these neighbors, they are kind of vikings. Yes, vikings. In fact, my neighbor recently shaved and cut his hair but before that he looked a lot like Stoic the Vast... well happier, and minus the helmet, but otherwise, spitting image!

Anyway, my viking neighbors do viking-like things like have axe throwing competitions and dress up for renaissance fairs and play the bagpipes (actually, I don't think the bagpipes are really viking related, but I think it's noteworthy) and they brew beer. In their apartment. 

I struck up a conversation with viking-neighbor a couple of weeks ago while getting my mail and asked if I could have a couple of beers for my friends. He invited me over and gave me a tour of his home brewery which was like my own apartment but the bathroom was transformed into a kind of beer-celler with kegs piled to the ceiling and the dining room held an industrial sized refrigerator filled with beer and the back patio was filled with other sorts of beer making paraphernalia. He mentioned that his trademark was to put a lemonheads candy in each bottle. I didn't quite catch why, but apparently lemonheads make for awesome beer.

So, now I have a bottle of lemonhead viking beer that was brewed in my own apartment complex. How cool is that? I plan on bringing it to my community group tonight to share with my beer savvy friends. I brought the other bottle to my other community group last week and heard it was pretty good. It just feels like such a shame to be in possession of one of a kind lemonhead viking beer and not even care to taste it! I do like throwing axes though...


  1. mmmm viking beer! can't wait to try it!!

  2. It's quite good. I did note the citrus-y flavors in the beer but didn't peg it as Lemonheads. Thanks for sharing Tamara!
